Saturday, September 24, 2016

Hello everyone! In my Family Relations class this week we mainly touched on the subject of having kids and how birth rates, fertility rates and population are declining, but many years ago we never saw this coming. In 1968 we had what was called "The Baby Boom." Many women were having children and all at the same time.  A man named Paul Ehrlich calmed that in the the 70's there would be no room or food in the world and everyone would starve to death. But this century is completely different. Today we have roughly 7 billion people on this earth, you might ask why are birth and fertility rates going down as well as the population well, let me answer that.

Today people often delay their marriage which, therefore causes a delay in having children. We see a lot of single moms that have one or two children and have only enough money to support them. We also often see divorce which puts a stop to having children for a period of time. Others are scared to bring a perfect human into such an imperfect world.

I feel like it is my responsibility to have and bring spirits from heaven into this world and to teach and guide them to do what is right. "We declare that God's commandments for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force." As stated in The Family Proclamation. 
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you have a great week!

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