Saturday, October 1, 2016

Family Rules

In class this week we discussed family rules and why they are important. I think most of us grew up with family rules and many things we were expected to do. Rules are ways to keep us safe, from temptations, accidents and just our everyday living. In my house we had many rules to abide by, taking off your shoes, cleaning up your dishes, these were just a few of the many rules we had.

I am very thankful for a mom like mine who taught me the importance of rules, I am grateful for the rules I had to follow because now most of those rules are habits. We grow up and leave the nest expecting to have rules but we really do not. The rules are up to us now and it is our free agency to live by them. Most of us our smart and know what we need to do to live a happy life. Hopefully most of us are all doing great at following rules.

Thanks for reading hope you have a great week!!

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