Thursday, October 20, 2016

Marriage and Dating

This week in class we touched on the lovely subject of marriage, my favorite!!! (note the sarcasm). We talked about how marriage is not just about finding someone to marry because you are bored but finding someone that will make you happy forever. In class our teacher mentioned the three T's of marriage 1. Time 2. Together and 3. Talk. I think these three attributes are very important when it comes to having an eternal marriage. We also talked about the RAM model which stands for Relationship Attachment Model the attributes about this model are know, trust, rely, commit, touch. These 5 different ways of attachment are very important for a healthy relationship.

Did you know that there are four stages from dating to marriage that need to be accomplished? Well if not I am here to inform you. The first is dating, going out getting to know each other and form a bond. The second is courtship the root word is "court" which stands for trial, be willing to show each other your strengths and weaknesses. The third is engagement, make him put a ring on it!! Just kidding when you get engaged it is a time in your life to experiment with each other. Learn how to cook with one another and fall in love. The fourth is marriage, this is most important also get married in the temple to receive those blessings.

We also learned the difference between "hanging out" and going on a date. What do you think that means? Let me explain "hanging out" means going over to each others house and doing homework or watching a movie. BORING!!! Okay do not worry here comes the good part dating has three P's: planned, paired off, and paid for. What are the roles of a husband according to the Family Proclamation? To provide, preside, and protect. Now ladies please tell me this is what you want in a husband because I sure do. Here comes the mind blowing part I am going to make a cool connection with the threes P's of dating....

provide- paid for
protect- paired off

Pretty awesome if you ask me, the prophets knew that dating is important because it teaches gentlemen as well as ladies how to go out on proper dates which takes a toll on how to serve their purpose and role in this world today.

Thanks for reading have a great week!

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