Friday, October 14, 2016

Gender Roles/ Same Sex Attraction.

This week in class we touched on gender roles in the Family Proclamation it says, " By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children." Men and Women are different in many ways, but the great thing about it is, they complete each other. Marriage between a man and a women is essential to Gods plan. It also states that in The Family Proclamation. Saying that moves me into my next topic we talked about same sex attraction and the impact it has on families today. We were told to watch a short film talking about men that over came same sex attraction. The are many contributing factors as to why men and women feel they are attracted to the same sex. The factors include: Wounded gender identity, bullying, father hunger, mother confusion, inappropriate touch. I truly believe that Heavenly Father did not make people "gay" but I do believe that he gives us trials and that is a trial for some.
Here is the link to the video: (

A talk given my Elder Holland in October 2007 called Helping Those Who Struggle with Same- Gender Attraction. He tells a story about a young man who is in his early twenties, confessing to Elder Holland that he is not worthy to be a member if the Church because he is gay, Elder Holland responds with "and" The young man continued with " I am not attracted to women. I am attracted to men. I've tried to ignore those feelings, but why am I this way" President Holland then said, "You see same gender attraction is not a sin, but acting upon those feelings is." This proves that it is OKAY to be attracted to man or women, it is a trial that has to be over come and it won't last for eternities.
Here is the link to the talk: (

Thank you for reading and have a great week!

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