Saturday, October 29, 2016

Baby Blues

In class we learned a lot about marriage and how to transition into marriage. I am not married but I have yet to learn. We learned that merging into each others lives gets pretty difficult. So I am going to tell you a few things on how to help merge a family successfully. (in my opinion)

Different backgrounds: We are all different in my ways. We come from all over the world and have different cultures and sometimes it is hard to get married and to be in each others lives constantly. We learn different habits and we continue to do those and so this makes it difficult, especially when children come into your lives. But if we are patient and continue to strive to be our best  in hard situations and cling to the teachings of the gospel it will be easier and we will see blessings.

Time: Spending time with the person you love and care for is very important. It shows that you want to get to know this person. You and your spouse are bond together for time and all eternity.It is important because they need to see that you want their attention. I love when my parents would go out on dates and show my siblings and I that date nights are important and have an impact on marriage and family. 

Finances: This is a big part of marriage because once you get married you and your spouse are all on your own. This is why I think keeping a budget and spending your money wisely while you are younger is very important. I have always been taught to keep a budget and to manage my money as best as I can. I am very thankful for my parents and the efforts they have put in into have a stable home and to support us financially. I want to follow there example.   

Now lets talk about the Baby Blues, this happens when children start to come into the picture, this mostly involves the males. The husbands are used to having there wives attention all the time. When a baby is born it puts a toll on him because now is wife is showing the baby all her attention and he is not used to that. He goes from getting 100% attention to about 50%. My parents were blessed with twins after three years of marriage and my mom was so tired because she was taking care of  2 babies instead of one. My dad would get home from work and would immediately want her attention, but my mom was tired and wanted to get a break, so yes he had the baby blues, but this is normal and I know that the gospel helped them out and I am thankful for that.

Thank you for reading! Have a great week!

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