Saturday, November 5, 2016

A Beautiful Marriage

This weeks class was very interesting, but enjoyable. Keep reading to listen why!

First off I want to start with a quote by President Henry B. Erying that was in our preparation work for this week, it says:

"Just as Jesus used a child in His mortal ministry as an example for the people of the pure love they must and could have to be like Him, He has offered us the family as an example of an ideal setting in which we can learn how to love as He loves. That is because the greatest joys and the greatest sorrows we experience in family relationships. The joys come from putting the welfare of others above our own. That is what love is"
- President Henry B. Eyring
I feel like this is a great way to start off my blog post for this week, we talked about how intimacy is an important aspect of marriage and how fidelity is real and a major issue today this destroys the family. This could often lead to a spouse discussing problems with others and that can cause serious issues like choosing sides. Families are so important and they should always start off within the bonds of marriage. This makes families successful and happy. Also communication is key, you should always have an open relationship. A good example is a couple in my class that decided it was a good idea to join their social media accounts. I think that is a very wise decision. I believe that is helps them have more trust and support in each other.

Marriage should be your safety place, it should be your comfort. This is why our Heavenly Father gave us the blessing to procreate and to raise a family.

Have a great week!

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