Friday, November 11, 2016

Handling Stress Within a Marriage

Every family undergoes stress sometime in their lives, this is way we need to have strong family bonds before a crisis hits. We learned about important qualities to have which include:

  • love 
  • communication 
  • close relationships 
  • understanding
  • strong bonds
  • commitments 
  • being supportive 
  • willing to serve
This is just a small example of qualities we should have as families. 

I have an example in my life, my freshmen year of high school my little brother got extremely sick and we did not know why. He planned on going to my cousins in Texas but we wanted him to feel better, a few days later he was on the plane to Texas. Later that evening we got a call from my uncle saying that he was so sick and they were on there way to the hospital. We found out that he had pneumonia in his lungs and there was lots of fluid in them and that he needed emergency surgery. It was really scary because we were in Idaho and had no idea what was going to happen to him. My parents jumped on a plane as fast as they could to go comfort him. He was doing better after staying in the hospital for a few days, and then it happened again. He was having trouble breathing and fluid was in his lungs. He had to have another surgery, and this time it was worse. We were so nervous I remember just praying for him to get better. After about 2 weeks in the hospital he was finally released, he could not fly home because it would harm him so he was stuck in Texas for a few weeks. When he finally came home it was the best feeling. We were really happy and excited to see him. We knew that the Lord answered our prayers
It brought us closer as a family because we had those qualities to put in use, and since we were prepared for a crisis it was okay, we got through it.
Families will have a crisis its just a matter of when. We just need to be prepared to have to be willing to let the Lord guide us.

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